Fisher 3582 Pneumatic Single-Acting Positioner

Fisher® 3582

Fisher® 3582 pneumatic, single-acting positioner is used with diaphragm-actuated, sliding-stem control valve assemblies. The pneumatic valve positioner receives a pneumatic input signal from a control device and modulates the supply pressure to the control valve actuator, providing an accurate valve stem position that is proportional to the pneumatic input signal.

  • Accurate, Efficient, Vibration-Resistant Operation—The Fisher pneumatic positioner provides accurate, fast-response and can withstand the vibrations of most plant environments. Low steady-state air consumption contributes to efficient operation.
  • Versatile Modular Design — 3582 positioners can be upgraded in the field to an electro-pneumatic 3582i by replacing the gauge block with the 582i electro-pneumatic converter assembly. The converter assembly attaches to the positioner case, providing a cost-effective conversion. Thus, in the field, 3582 positioners can be upgraded from pneumatic to electronic to match new control strategies.

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Fisher 3582 Pneumatic Single-Acting Positioner

Input Signal:-


0.2 to 1.0 bar (3 to 15 psig),

s split range, see table 2 or

0.4 to 2.0 bar (6 to 30 psig).


4-20 mA DC constant current with 30 VDC maximum compliance voltage, can be split range, see table 2.

Output Signal:-


Pneumatic pressure as required by actuator up to 95 percent of maximum supply


Field-reversible between direct and reverse within the pneumatic valve positioner

Equivalent Circuit for 3582i:

120 ohms shunted by three 5.6-volt zener diodes

Supply Pressure(1):-


0.3 bar (5 psi) above actuator requirement


3.4 bar (50 psig) or pressure rating of actuator, whichever is lower

Supply Medium:-

Air or Natural Gas

The 3582i positioner is not approved for use with Natural Gas as the supply medium

Maximum Input Bellows Pressure Rating(1):-

2.4 bar (35 psig)

Maximum Steady-State Air Consumption(2):-


1.4 bar (20 psig) Supply: 0.38 normal m3/hr (14.0 scfh)

2.0 bar (30 psig) Supply: 0.48 normal m3/hr (18.0 scfh)

2.4 bar (35 psig) Supply: 0.54 normal m3/hr (20.0 scfh)


1.4 bar (20 psig) Supply: 0.46 normal m3/hr (17.2 scfh)

2.0 bar (30 psig) Supply: 0.57 normal m3/hr (21.4 scfh)

2.4 bar (35 psig) Supply: 0.64 normal m3/hr (23.8 scfh)

Maximum Supply Air Demand(2):-

1.4 bar (20 psig) Supply: 4.4 normal m3/hr(164.5 scfh)

2.0 bar (30 psig) Supply: 6.7 normal m3/hr(248.5 scfh)

2.4 bar (35 psig) Supply: 7.7 normal m3/hr(285.5 scfh)



Independent Linearity: ±1 percent of output signal span Hysteresis: 0.5 percent of span


Independent Linearity: ±2 percent of output signal span Hysteresis: 0.6 percent of span

Electromagnetic Compliance for 582i electro-magnetic converter

Meets EN 61326-1:2013

Immunity—Industrial locations per Table 2 of the EN 61326-1 standard. Performance is shown in table 1 below.

Emissions—Class A

ISM equipment rating: Group 1, Class A

Note: Electromagnetic Compatibility also applies to the 3582i positioner.

3582 and 3582i

Open Loop Gain (Output Signal):

100 in the range of 0.2 to 1.0 bar (3 to 15 psig)

55 in the range of 0.4 to 2.0 bar (6 to 30 psig)

Operating Influences:-

Supply Pressure, For 3582:

Valve travel changes less than 1.67 percent per bar (0.25 percent per 2 psi) change in supply pressure

Supply Pressure, For 3582i:

Valve travel changes less than 3.62 percent per bar (1.5 percent per 2 psi) change in supply pressure

Operative Temperature Limits(1):-

Standard Construction

3582 and 3582i: -40 to 71C (-40 to 160F)

3582NS: -40 to 82C (-40 to 180F) with EPDM elastomers

High-Temperature Construction(3)

3582A and C Only: -18 to 104C (0 to 220F) without gauges

Electrical Classification for 582i:-

CSA—Intrinsically Safe, Explosion-proof, Type n, Dust-Ignition proof, Division 2,

FM— Intrinsically Safe, Explosion-proof, Type n, Non-incendive, Dust-Ignition proof,

ATEX— Intrinsically Safe, Type n, Flameproof

IECEx— Intrinsically Safe, Type n, Flameproof (Gas Atmospheres Only)

Note: These classifications also apply to the 3582i positioner

Housing Classification for 582i:-

CSA— Type 3 Encl.

FM— NEMA 3, IP54.



Mount instrument with vent on the side or the bottom if weatherproofing is a concern.

Note: These classifications also apply to the 3582i positioner

Other Classifications/Certifications for 582i:-

CUTR— Customs Union Technical Regulations (Russia, Kazakhstan, Belarus, and Armenia)

INMETRO— National Institute of Metrology, Quality, and Technology (Brazil)

KGS— Korea Gas Safety Corporation (South Korea)

NEPSI— National Supervision and Inspection Centre for Explosion Protection and Safety of Instrumentation (China)

Note: These classifications also apply to the 3582i positioner

Pressure Gauges:-

40 mm (1.5 inch) diameter with plastic case and brass connection

triple scale (PSI, MPa, and bar) or

dual scale (PSI and kg/cm2)

Pressure Connections:-

1/4 NPT internal

Electrical Connection for 3582i:-

1/2-14 NPT conduit connection

Maximum Valve Stem Travel:-

105 mm (4.125 inches); adjustable to obtain lesser travel with standard input signal

Approximate Weight:-


2.5 kg (5-1/2 pounds)


3.6 kg (8 pounds)


Instrument, output, and supply pressure gauges;automotive tire valves; or pipe plugs

Bypass valve (only for direct-acting, 3582 positioners using a full input signal range)

Connectors for diagnostic testing

High vibration


Technical Data-Sheet

Fisher 3582 Pneumatic Single-Acting Positioner



Technical Data-Sheet

Fisher 3582 Pneumatic Single-Acting Positioner



Recently Configured Model Number

Model Number Transmitter Type Measurement Type Pressure Range/Span Brand Category Availability RFQ
3582i POSITIONER Fisher Controllers / Positioners Yes RFQ

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